A Short List of Helpful LINUX Links

- Download Sites -

The files you can use!

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing a (Linux) Distribution !go check them out!
FreshMeat.net - Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform software Need to do something special - Look HERE
FileWatcher.org - The File Search Engine Packages available on a distro basis
Window Managers for X A world of choice
TUCOWS - Linux Shareware Downloads & Reviews Search for the program you are looking for
Trinux:A Linux Security Toolkit Trinux attempts to provide the most comprehensive set of security tools
UNIX antivirus software from GriSoft
The Apache SpamAssassin Project The Powerful #1 Open-Source Spam Filter
SANE - "Scanner Access Now Easy" Provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware

- Help and Info -

The places you get the real thing!

LinuxSA - Mailing List
The Linux Documentation Project
Slashdot:News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.
Insecure.org - Computer Security
Adaptive Server Enterprise for Linux
Linux Router Project
Red Hat Software, Inc. Home of Fedora
Sendmail Home Page
Configuring Pine system-wide defaults and restrictions
Linux Certification
PERL Documentation
Linux links on www.topology.org
XTux Homepage
The Linux Webring
The Linux Software Map (LSM)
Webmin - Web-based interface for system administration
GNOME Unix and Linux desktop suite platform
KDE desktop environment
AbiSource - Open Source desktop productivity applications
Linux Canada Inc.

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